To be neighborly, for us, is to act with care and kindness, and consideration to others.
To be neighborly, for us, is to act with care and kindness and consideration to others. The idea of being a good neighbor is an aspiration universally expressed, if not always practiced. Kedrion is committed to “walking the talk”.
We take an expansive view of this word. Our neighbors include the people we work with; the people who live where we work; and, of course, our donors and patients.
Neighborliness includes social responsibility and a commitment to international standards of human rights; to diversity and equal rights and to extending a helping hand to those who need it. The Journey of Science and Humanity guides us in this interconnected network of care and compassion.
These commitments can take many forms, such as these
In the US
We took part in the “Seasons of Giving” campaign of “Feeding America”, the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization, supporting neighbors in need during holidays.
In Hungary
We supported the “Csontvelő Transzplantáció Alapítvány” Foundation distributing toys to pediatric patients undergoing bone marrow transplants during the holidays.
In Italy
We supported the “Angeli Guerrieri della Terra dei Fuochi” Association for home nursing activities for pediatric patients at the Santobono-Pausilipon Hospital in Napoli.
“Affianco Project”
with AIP
An example of how we can employ our special expertise in rare and ultra-rare conditions in the service of helping in our community, Kedrion offered unconditional support to the “Associazione Immunodeficienze Primitive (AIP)”, the Association of Primary Immunodeficiencies.
It resulted in a project designed to expand understanding and empathy for the community of patients and caregivers experiencing these life-enveloping conditions. The narratives presented both in writing and in video is called “Affianco - Vite allo specchio” (“Side-By-Side: Lives In the Mirror”). Each story relates the journey of patient and doctor, together and individually, reflecting their relationships to Immunodeficiency, to each other, and to life.
Discover more on the incredible impact “Affianco” had on the patients' community
At Kedrion we prioritize the well-being of our communities. We believe in the importance of education for personal growth.
We value shared decision-making as it empowers people and leads to better outcomes, not only within the company but also in patients' and donors' associations. For this reason, over the years, we partnered with Fondazione Campus and AVIS, the Association of Voluntary Italian Blood Donors, to offer leadership courses to young members of the Association to train them to be the leaders of tomorrow.
We are proud to celebrate the 10th year of our support to the National Training School of AVIS.